Xss script download file

for this Basic Hacking via Cross Site Scripting (XSS) - The Logic tutorial I will use from real You can download the simple PHP file I have already create below 

PHP_SELF XSS refers to reflected cross site scripting vulnerabilities caused by the lack of sanitation of the variable $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] in PHP scripts. This variable is commonly used in PHP scripts that display forms and when the script file name is needed.

I have a problem with my Extplorer (webbased file manager), the pentest system at my office has detected a high risk of attack Cross Site Scripting (XSS) in 

Cross-site scripting ('XSS' or 'CSS') is an attack that takes advantage of a Web site vulnerability in which the site displays content that includes un-sanitized user-provided data. For example The XSS vulnerability has been starring regularly in the OWASP Top-10 for years. More and more web applications and websites today are found to be vulnerable to Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability. XSS takes advantage of both client and server side programming. XSS payloads cause the victim’s A cross-site scripting attack is one of the top 5 security attacks carried out on a daily basis across the Internet, and your PHP scripts may not be immune. Also known as XSS, the attack is How to prevent XSS in SVG file upload? Ask Question Asked 2 years, 11 months ago. Active 6 months ago. as far as I've seen the exploit requires a All rights reserved